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Korea Ginseng Corporation
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Korean Red Ginseng

Korean Red Ginseng

6-Years-Grown Korean Red Ginseng

Korean Ginseng is a plant whose root has been taken as an herbal remedy for over 2,000 years around the world. Since long before it became known to the Western general public, aristocrats and scientists had already discovered, wrote about, and shown their admiration for Korean Ginseng, regarding it as a powerful natural medicine and calling it the “treasure from the Orient.”

Cultivated in Korea, the Perfect Growing Environment

As the root of ginseng is delicate, it requires the proper growing environment to produce healthy components, specifically ginseng saponins.
Korea is a country naturally blessed with the geographical latitude, four distinct seasons, and ideal soil conditions that constitute the perfect growing environment for ginseng. This allows Korean Ginseng to produce more than twice the variety of healthy components of other species.
Although there are other species of ginseng – such as American, Japanese and Siberian ginseng, as well as cousins of Korean ginseng including Chinese and Asian Panax ginseng – these varieties naturally produce either less than half the variety of healthy saponins found in Korean ginseng (by species,) or only half the total quantity of healthy saponins (by growing period.)
Korea has the ideal climate for ginseng cultivation and Korean ginseng grows under strict quality control. For these reasons, it is praised as the finest ginseng in the world, in terms of efficacy, quantity, and variety of active components.

Born from the Wisdom of Our Ancestors, Korean Ginseng’s Rich Heritage

Korean Red Ginseng boasts more than a thousand years of history of cultivation and processing. Korean Red Ginseng was originally developed during a process to extend the shelf life of ordinary ginseng. However, by coincidence (as is often the case in material development,) the processed ginseng outshone the original and was revealed to be far denser in natural benefits. This fortunate revelation was all thanks to the natural steaming and drying process of fresh ginseng.
After fresh ginseng is steamed and air-dried, not only is its shelf life prolonged, but the healthy, active components in its skin are increased. Fresh ginseng tends to degrade rapidly, causing much of its nutritional value to be lost. This is why well-processed red ginseng is superior to fresh ginseng.

Korean Red Ginseng Features:
After being carefully steamed and naturally dried,
  1. The active components, beneficial to the human body, are increased. 
  1. The storage period extends to 10 years (without peeling.) 

How Korean Red Ginseng Is Processed

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